The Anthony Laboratory explores the role and regulation of IgG and IgE glycosylation in health and disease. These antibody classes are arguably the two most clinically relevant antibodies. Our interests stem from well-known clinical paradoxes that are associated with these antibody classes. IgG is highly effective at triggering inflammation and is essential for defense from infections and cancer. However, in the form of high dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), IgG exerts anti-inflammatory activity and is used to treat a number of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Allergen-specific IgE is absolutely required for allergic symptoms and disease, yet not all individuals with allergen-specific IgE suffer from allergies. Work from our group has shown that glycan on IgG and IgE contribute to these paradoxically effectors. The overarching goal of the laboratory is development of strategies that target and modulate glycans on antibodies, enabling antibody engineering in vivo.